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How to get information of any name in social media

 How to get any information of ant name :


We will use Termux in Android , For people who didn't know what is Termux you can visit here 

Now let's start After  we will download application Termux from Google play   

We will use Sherlock tool from GitHub :

Now to install it write this commands :

#"  git clone "

#then write $" cd Sherlock "

#Then write $"python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt "


Now usage :

$python3 sherlock --help "For get help massage "

$python3 sherlock (name you want) "for search about name "

$python3 sherlock (any name) (any name) "for search more names in one time "

$python3 sherlock --version "for check version"

$python3 sherlock --print-all "Output sites where the username was not found"

"Now we finished if you have any proplem leave a comment"

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